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How to Enjoy Your Job

Businessman giving thumbs up

Juggling work and life can be difficult, and maintaining a healthy balance between business and pleasure is something that takes time, experience and perspective.

However, who said you have to separate the two at all? After all - as someone very wise once said - if you choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.

Sadly, we can't all have a job we love, but there's no reason you can't enjoy your working day - whether you're a road sweeper, a stockbroker, or anything in between.

To help you squeeze a little more fun out of your nine-to-five, here are some tips on how to enjoy your job to its fullest.

How to Enjoy Work More

Okay, let's be real for a second here. Very few of us go to work for the love of the game. It's probably safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of Brits work to live rather than living to work, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your job.

So, with that in mind, just how can we turn a chore into cheer and labour into leisure? Here are three top tips from the HRS team...


1. Keep a positive attitude.

Exercising mind over matter in times of stress is a sure-fire way to eliminate that stress - because if you don't mind, it doesn't matter!

An American neuropsychiatrist famed for his self-help programmes once said, "if you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it".

Living by this motto can transform the way you experience the working day, making it dar more enjoyable. If you go into the office in the morning with a positive mentality, you are far more likely to see positive results.

Granted, there will be days when life rains on your parade, but stick to your sunny outlook and your day will undoubtedly be happier and more productive as a result.

If necessary, take some time to reset and de-stress before starting work. This should make it easier to adopt the right mindset. Similarly, if your work is getting on top of you and causing anxiety and frustration, it may be worth stepping away from your desk and taking a few minutes to refocus.

In fact, regular breaks from your desk can be conducive to productivity and can vastly improve your mood and overall enjoyment of your job. As such, don't be afraid to leave your keyboard periodically to help you maintain a healthy work ethic and better frame of mind.


2. Be realistic about what you can achieve.

Chasing the clock and taking on more than you can handle benefits no one. Added stress isn't good for you as a worker, and the quality of your output can take a noticeable dip, which isn't good for your employer either.

Additionally, the more pressure you're under, the more likely you are to make mistakes. Errors are a common by-product of rushed work and can result in dire consequences.

Realistically, you can only do so much in the space of one working day, and overstretching yourself by attempting to do more than is physically possible in the time available is setting yourself up for failure - not to mention a whole heap of unnecessary stress.

Managing expectations is a big part of maintaining good professional relationships, and this skill is just as important in-house as well. Communicate with your manager to highlight any concerns you have about your workload.

Being open and honest with yourself and your employer can lead to a more manageable workload and a more enjoyable working day. At the very least, airing your concerns can let your boss know where the line is.

What's more, consistently agreeing to unreasonable demands only enables the issue and gives the impression that you are handling the excessive workload with ease. Honesty is the best policy!


3. Stop working when the day is done.

The average Brit gets around 6.5 hours of sleep each night, leaving 17.5 waking hours in the day. For a typical office employee working a 40-hour week, 8 of those hours are taken up by work (although that total is a little higher if you count the time you spend getting ready for work in the morning).

Between a hard day's work and a good night's sleep, you only have about a third of the average weekday to yourself. Needless to say, taking your work home with you eats into this free time even further. If you can do things to make your job more enjoyable, you'll feel like fewer waking hours are being 'taken away from you'.

Separating work from home life is an important part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and a happy frame of mind. While it may be unavoidable at times, try not to make a habit of working in the evenings - downtime outside of work helps you to recharge mentally, and you may find the next day at work more enjoyable if you've dedicated some time to self-care and relaxation.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is even harder now that so many of us are working from home due to COVID-19. Is it possible to enjoy your job when you're working from home? Read our blog on this subject for more great advice from the HRS team!

Working from Home: Work-Life Balance

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